Monday, 18 March 2013

More from the Glades

Laughing Gull to start off with
Great  Blue Heron
continuing our tour of the Southern Everglade, we found the above,and followed it up with this-----

Black Racer

Black Racer

Distant waders mainly Willets
White Pelicans on the same sand bar as the previous                          

Spotted Sandpiper, a nice unexpected find.   Not doing too bad, I've got a feeling there could be more  good stuff on the way,

I see via tinternet they are having some bad weather back home, could be in for a change here, but at least it wont be snow.


  1. Your stop at the Everglades payed off big time Gordon. Especially the Spotted Sandpiper.

    Our southern snow melts on the way down ~:)

  2. Thanks Pam,to be honest my Daughter found it first just ahead of myself. could be better things to come.
    All the best Gordon.

  3. Looks like you've done quite well so far! And you've apparently trained the Daughter well!

    1. Thanks Wall , yes I tried to get her interested when she was young, and my mate even bought her a pair of bins. but she took no interest. Now at the age of 23 she is begining to take a bit of an interest in wildlife in general. She works in Scotland and texts me when she has seen something of interest.
      Thanks again, all the best Gordon.


A big thank you to everyone for looking in and leaving their comments, much appreciated, Gordon.