Monday, 26 April 2010

Leighton Moss

A pair of Shoveler

The sun was shining through the window before 7-30 this morning, so as Mrs W had the day off we decided to make a move and head down into Lancashire.
On arrival at Leighton we parked up near the causeway and made our way along it, stopping off at the public hide before moving on to Lower hide. During this first part of our visit the Marsh Harriers were very visible from every part of this area, both male and female. also all the warblers could be heard but not seen, same as regards Bearded Tits.
Next we made our way to the Centre and as it was after 11 by now we had to take Mrs W's food intake into consideration so just pottered around the feeding station and Lillians till it was time for refueling. Good sightings of a Marsh Tit near the feeding station, only 1 Little Gull, and no sign of the White fronted goose at the hide or out by the level crossings.
After lunch we made our way over to the Eric Morecambe hide, water still quite high so not a great deal about. The best of what there was being 7 Avocet, 1 Little Egret, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 summer plumage Dunlin.

Look at the difference in plumage of these male pheasants, top photo, Dumfries, bottom photo, Lancashire.

After leaving Leighton we made our way home via Arnside to give the estuary the once over, and also call for some homemade icecream, yum yum.

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A big thank you to everyone for looking in and leaving their comments, much appreciated, Gordon.