Sunday, 13 June 2010

Weed killer & herbicide strike again

Up early yesterday morning, and shock of shocks I was up at the flood by 7 giving the Westies an early morning walk and a spot of birding.
        Not a great deal about, I could only find 2 of the moorhen chicks, and no sign of the young Mallard. A pair of Stock Dove, 2 Oystercatchers, House Martins and Swallows dipping over the flood and that was about it.
          I came back home to leave the dogs and set off again this time heading for the river Pettril. Still in the Thacka area 6 more House Martins flying over the muck- heap and same amount in House Sparrows near the cottages. At Thacka farm more House Sparrows and a small flock of about 50 Starlings.Up by the motorway 1 Blackcap, didn't stay still long enough for a pic. A little further on I was taking a pic of a butterfly when this Assassin fly caught my eye.

They prey on other insects, stick their proboscis deep into their prey and suck them dry, even feeding on the wing which is what this one was doing, bit like having a smoothie while on the go.
        Eventually I reached the river and imagine my surprise when , on reaching the first wooden foot bridge I am confronted by this sign.

 At first I was a bit puzzled, I'm thinking what crops, the whole area is grazing land . Then on closer inspection I could see all the fields had been sprayed with herbicide as all the thistles were dieing and any other plant life that had been growing. And all this right beside a river, Runoff what Runoff, and all the time the environment people are talking about river pollution. Still on my hobby-horse the Round up boys have been out and about in Penrith, all pavements, and footpaths in parks have now got the scorched earth look. Not only is it bad for the environment but it looks bad, enough said.
       No sign of Kingfisher or Dipper this morning (maybe read the sign and thought sod this) but soon after leaving the river a buzzard started mewing overhead.          

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A big thank you to everyone for looking in and leaving their comments, much appreciated, Gordon.