Saturday, 20 April 2013

Fighting Shovelers

More goings on from Leighton Moss.
                                    Here we have a pair of Shoveler doing their own thing when -------

Two neighbours pop round for a chat, unfortunately our first drake decides other-wise and -----

goes on the offencive big style

What I find strange, he only attacks the female, the two males stay firmly apart.

All the second male does is puff his chest out

While near by a pair of Oystercatchers look on rather bemused by all the fuss

before returning to more important matters, food.


  1. Love your new header photo! I would't want to mess with an angry Shoveler...that's one large bill he has!

  2. Thanks Tammy, I know its an awsome bill, Hope you enjoyed your Texas adventure.
    All the very best, Gordon.

  3. What a great bird - we have shovelers here - but a different species.

    I'm not sure that the Monarchs are supposed to be here - I think the "brought in with fodder" seems a very plausible route to Australia!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Nice series on the Shovelers! I really like the "sleek" look of the Oystercatchers.

    Nice post!

    1. Thanks Wally, and all the best, Gordon.

  5. Nice series on the Shovelers! I really like the "sleek" look of the Oystercatchers.

    Nice post!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment Linda, much appreciated.
      All the best Gordon.


A big thank you to everyone for looking in and leaving their comments, much appreciated, Gordon.